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Flour is a key ingredient in many recipes, from baked goods to sauces and gravies. It’s made from ground grains and provides structure and texture to many dishes. But with so many different types of flour available, it can be overwhelming to choose the right one for your needs. In this article, we’ll explore the most common types of flour and provide tips for using them in your favorite recipes.

All-Purpose Flour
All-purpose flour is a versatile flour that can be used in a variety of recipes. It’s made from a blend of hard and soft wheat, making it a good all-around flour for baking and cooking. All-purpose flour has a moderate protein content, which helps give baked goods structure and texture. It’s the most commonly used type of flour in the United States.

Baked goods like bread, cakes, cookies, and pastries
Coating for fried foods
Thickener for sauces and gravies
Whole Wheat Flour
Whole wheat flour is made from the entire wheat grain, including the bran, germ, and endosperm. This means it’s higher in fiber and nutrients than all-purpose flour. Whole wheat flour has a nutty flavor and a denser texture than all-purpose flour. It also has a higher protein content, which can help improve the structure of baked goods.

Baked goods like bread, muffins, and pancakes
Pizza dough
Crackers and flatbreads
Cake Flour
Cake flour is a finely milled flour that’s low in protein. This gives cakes a tender crumb and delicate texture. Cake flour is also bleached, which helps it absorb liquid and sugar better. It’s a popular choice for cakes and other delicate baked goods.

Cakes, cupcakes, and other delicate baked goods
Bread Flour
Bread flour is a high-protein flour that’s specifically designed for making bread. It has a higher gluten content than all-purpose flour, which helps give bread its structure and chewy texture. Bread flour is often made from hard red wheat, which has a higher protein content than soft wheat.

Yeast breads like bread, rolls, and bagels
Pizza dough
Self-Rising Flour
Self-rising flour is a type of flour that’s pre-mixed with baking powder and salt. This makes it a convenient option for recipes that call for those ingredients. Self-rising flour is typically made from all-purpose flour, but it can also be made from other types of flour.

Biscuits and scones
Pancakes and waffles
Quick breads like muffins and cornbread
Gluten-Free Flour
Gluten-free flour is made from grains and starches that don’t contain gluten, a protein found in wheat, barley, and rye. There are many different types of gluten-free flours, including almond flour, coconut flour, and rice flour. Gluten-free flour can be tricky to work with, as it doesn’t have the same structure-building properties as wheat flour.

Gluten-free baked goods like bread, cakes, and cookies
Thickening sauces and gravies
Specialty Flours
There are many different types of specialty flours available, each with their own unique characteristics. Here are a few of the most common:
Rye flour: Made from rye grain, this flour has a distinctive flavor and is often used in breads.
Spelt flour: A type of wheat flour that’s lower in gluten and higher in nutrients than all-purpose flour.

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